Sunday, September 9, 2018

Albert Lanville Magner

Jennie Doris (Gager) Magner Family Tree
Jennie's Mother, Nora Mae (Hughes) Gager Parents

Obituary of William Henry Hughes

Wm. Hughes an old and respected pioneer of Neosho County died at his home at 6 a.m. Saturday, September 13, 1902.  Aged: 71 years - 7 months - 8 days. 

Deceased was born in Devonshire Wales December 5, 1830 and came to this country in 1851 settling in Madison County Ohio where he was married to Miss Mary Jane Heflin in 1858.  To this union was born twelve children, four sons; John of Aurora, Illinois, William Oliver of Russell, Kansas; Charles of this place and Everett, the fourth child who died in infancy.  The eight daughters are Mrs. Mollie Kent of Pueblo, Colorado; Mrs. Lesta Johnson of Victor, Colorado; Mrs. Barbara Gardner of Salt Lake City, Utah; and Mrs. Sarah Venus, Mrs. Ella Ramsay, Mrs. Nora Gager, Mrs. Jennie Shepard and Cora Hughes of this place.

He enlisted in the Civil War in Company One, 113th Ohio Voluntary Infantry and was discharged June 28, 1865.  Wm. was converted in Madison, Ohio in 1858 and joined the Methodist Church.  He came to Kansas in 1870 where he joined the U.B. Church of which he remained a faithful member until his death.  He had been sick about a year but bore his suffering with Christian fortitude and seemed to long for the time when he would be called to that land where there will be no sorrow or pain.

Saturday about 2 a.m. he called all of his children who were at his bedside and talked to them of that home above to which he was prepared to go and cautioned them to be good to their mother, and taking them by the hand called each by name, telling them not to weep for him.  Then he bade his friends who were there, goodbye calling each by name.  And when asked if anything further he answered "all is well, all is well."  When his faithful wife imprinted a kiss on his forehead he said "God bless you Mother; do not weep for me." It seemed a happy thought that they would meet again where there will be no parting.

Deceased was a member of the G.A.R. which took charge of the funeral services, which were held at the Methodist Episcopal Church, Reverend Woods officiating after which the body accompanied by the bereaved family and a large concourse of sympathizing friends was taken to Mount Hope Cemetery and tenderly laid to rest.  We extend heartfelt sympathy to the grief stricken widow and children. 

Note:  U.B. stands for United Brethren and G.A.R. stands for the Grand Army of the Republic, a fraternal organization composed of veterans of the Union Army who served in the American Civil War.

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